F is for France, G is for Germany – Battle of the Breads
Hello there, folks. Apologies for being a bit slack on the
blog front the last couple of weeks – I was caught up in the midst of
organising and attending my dear big sister’s hen party over in Brizzol (or
Bristol, if you don’t have the good fortune of hailing from there). No doubt
this blog will also mention the upcoming wedding over the coming weeks as the
big day draws ever closer, so please bear with me if I come across a little
frazzled towards mid-May.
As I missed a week (F) due to the above-named circumstances,
I decided to combine F & G in a single entry, and of course, there was no
other option than to take on the two titans of Western Europe: France and
Germany. With regards to other potential candidates, it was slim pickings for ‘F’
– a mere three countries fall into this category (points for naming them!). ‘G’
is a veritable bounty of countries, including such tempting destinations as
Georgia, Greece, Gambia and Guatemala. I was particularly drawn by the prospect
of Georgian khachapuri, which look basically
like a bread boat filled with eggs and melted cheese (yes, I’m salivating too).
However, given that good ol’ Germany has played such an enormous part in my
life, it would have been injudicious to choose otherwise.

Food-wise, you couldn’t really get two countries more
opposite than France and Germany, at least in terms of reputation. French food
is supposedly the classic cuisine: spectacular,
rich sauces that coat perfectly cooked cuts of beef; golden, flaky pastry
sandwiched together with whopping great globs of custard; cheese and butter as
far as the eye can see. German cuisine, on the other hand, is known to be a bit
more on the bodenständig (literally like ‘ground-standing’,
meaning down-to-earth) side, to put it delicately: sauerkraut, potatoes and Wurst form the basis of many people’s
image of German food. It’s certainly not the lightest of cuisines, I’ll give
you that. I truly begrudge the claim (heard from former German students of
mine) that British food is terrible because it is so very heavy – a plate of
grub in a typical German Wirtshaus (sort
of the Deutsch version of a pub) ain’t going to help you shift a few pounds any
time soon. However, it does have a little more to offer than just numerous
varieties or pork and pickled veg. My ultimate recommendation for anyone
visiting ‘Schland (Germany to you and me) is, in fact, a döner
kebab – the closer you are to Berlin, the better they get. Legend has it that
the inventor of said delight was a Turkish chap living in West Berlin, which is
why the city is reputed to have the best kebabs in the country. Though you may
scoff at this recommendation, I can assure you that you will make fewer better
decisions in your life than to buy a döner in Berlin. And you can even get
one at lunchtime without people assuming you’re drunk in the middle of the day!

France is famed, quite rightly, for its exemplary boulangeries. I defy ANYONE with even a
hint of a taste bud to walk past a bakery in France without stopping to ogle at
the goods on offer (and then running in to borrow a mop to mop up all the drool
you’ve left all over the pavement). Germany is truly the land of bread. What it
may lack in finesse, it makes up for in sheer numbers: apparently, there are
over 300 varieties of loaves, and a mind-boggling 1,200 types of roll and
so-called Kleingebäck (small baked goods). But what
to bake? For me, when I think of bread, I think breakfast, and so I plumped for
baking two absolute classics of French and German breakfast fare: the humble Frühstücksbrötchen
(crusty white bread roll) and the lah-de-dah croissant. God help me and my fear
of all things yeast-based.
I started with the rolls, using a recipe from a ruddy
excellent book called ‘Classic German Baking’ by Luisa Weiss (I cannot recommend
it enough). Find me a bakery in Germany that doesn’t produce batch upon batch
of crusty white rolls of a morning and I’ll eat my proverbial hat. These babies
make an appearance on millions of breakfast tables throughout the country every
weekend – albeit under the guise of various regional names – guaranteeing a
good scattering of crumbs all over the floor at the end of the meal. They may be
the simplest in the ROLL-call (HAHAHAHA) of German Brötchen, but the crispy exterior
and fluffy white inside was more than enough to have me doubting my ability to
reproduce them. Unlike a lot of amateur bakers in the UK, Germans are partial
to using fresh yeast in their bread doughs. Although the utterly bizarre
texture of it was a little concerning to me, I ploughed ahead on the promise of
a more bready-tasting bread at the end. The dough came together incredibly
quickly and by the time it was ready to rest overnight in the fridge (yes
friends, no proving drawer here!), I was feeling pretty confident that I had a
success on my hands. But of course, bread is a fickle thing – at least it has
been for me in the past – and so the ultimate test was in the baking. The next
morning, after chucking a handful of ice cubes into a searing hot baking tin
(and waking my neighbours in the process, I’m sure) I maniacally shoved the
tray of rolls in – indeed, with the panicked air of someone who has zero idea
what the heck they’re doing throwing ice cubes into an oven at 8.30 on a
Saturday morning. And then I waited. And watched. And sure enough, the little
darlings went golden and crispy, rising in truly glorious fashion. Good grief,
guys, when I finally took them out after a torturous 15 minutes, it was all I
could do not to cry and eat them all in one sitting. Absolutely bloody
wonderful, they were. BUT there was no time to rest on my laurels: it was croissant
If you are considering making croissants yourself, heed this
warning: it takes FOREVER. There is an unfathomable amount of waiting involved,
so it’s not the bread to go for if you’re in a rush. That said, I’m telling you
now that it is soooo worth it. And incredibly, not that difficult. I was
totally prepared for a full-scale meltdown in my kitchen, but instead found
myself clapping with glee when I finally got round to baking them after waiting
about 100 years. I’d say the biggest obstacle, waiting aside, is getting your
head around the amount of butter in the damn things. It is more than you could
ever imagine. Criminal, perhaps. But not enough to ever put me off eating them.
HA! After making the dough, then filling it with what feels like an equal amount
of butter (i.e. a lot), you have to perform a series of so-called turns,
rolling and folding it this way and that to achieve the all-important layers,
each time letting the dough have a little rest in the fridge, lest it get too
tired of life and produce a buttery mess at the end. Then of course, there’s
the rolling. Then the proving. Then the baking. It’s a labour of love, taking a
good 6 or 7 hours from start to finish. Maybe that’s why the French are so
proud of them, because it takes the patience of a saint to see it through to
the end. But are the French in fact entitled to lay claim to the croissant?
History would have us believe otherwise, suggesting that they originally came
into being in either Vienna or Budapest when a baker apparently alerted the city
big wigs to some mysterious rumblings underground. They turned out to be the
sounds of some sneaky Turks attempting to invade the city by tunneling under
the city wall. The tunnel was subsequently destroyed – crisis averted! The hero
of the tale, the baker, asked for no other reward for his smarts than the
exclusive right to bake crescent-shaped delicacies to commemorate the event
(the crescent being the symbol of Islam) and – voila – the croissant was born!
But shhhh, don’t tell the French that story.

Brilliant and omg-too far away!!